Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Facebook Application - Launch

Unfortunately due to the fact that we never managed to get the application finished or working, we could not really have a launch, though as far as I can work out, the errors where definitely due to the host that we where using at the time, because even the test application that you get with the facebook API wouldn't work properly, and I had a look at someone else who had managed to get some basic code working, and the API was definitely hooked up right, to be honest it's a bit of a mystery, and I wouldn't say that I was great at PHP in the first place. Still we tried very hard to get the thing up and running in time and had some very positive feedback on the idea from friends on the course. I think if I was to do this again, I'd definitely have to try and find an alternative webhost, though to be honest, I am definitely not a fan of PHP or FBML, neither are particularly my strong points coding wise, and I think there are some definite compatibility issues between them and different browsers. At some point in the future, I hope that the web coding standards get stricter and all browsers start using the same flavours of html etc.

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