Tuesday 28 April 2009

Facebook Application - Evaluation

In summary, I think that the app design would have had good potential, and I think that the idea in itself was good, it's just a shame that due to technical difficulties it never got off the ground. We had some positive feedback of some of our friends saying that they would like to give the app a go after we finished making it. So it's just a real shame that it never got together, I must admit though, I wouldn't want to try and do something like this again, I dislike PHP quite a bit, it just doesn't sit right with me for some reason, and the FBML language was just horrible, of course, these are my personal opinions and there are obviously people out there who make plenty of money and some decent apps using it, maybe if I took some time at my own pace and managed to find some half decent guides and references, it might make a bit more sense, but not this time.

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